Manned SubSea PROPULSION Systems - sistemi di propulsione sottomarini con equipaggio

Designed for Manned Vehicles/Navy SDV’s and ASDS applications - Progettati per veicoli con equipaggio / Marina Militare SDV e applicazioni ASDS

SubSea Electric Propulsion Modules are designed to be used on a manned submersible vehicle. The Drive System consists of brushless motors, feedback devices and control electronics housed to permit submerged operation in water.

The unit uses dual redundant (2) motors on a common shaft, two feedback devices and two sets of Motor Controls, sensors and electronics in a single integrated housing – complete “get home capability”. The unit will accept nominal 150-300 Vdc input power and a speed control command to provide shaft output at the commanded rotational speed. 


Dual Propeller - Counter Rotating Propulsion Modules for Stealth “Silent” operation - Doppia elica - Moduli di propulsione controrotanti per Operazioni invisibili silenziose

The motor controller and amplifiers will interface with the Operators Main Control System to control the shaft speed. The Operator provides a speed command to the Motor Controller/amplifiers. 

The system is configured such that should one motor or controller fail, the unit shall remain functional with reduced available shaft power. 

Approximately 18% more thrust and ...the counter rotation design assures that no gyroscopic moments are transferred to the vehicle. Very fast response times are assured with "Silent and Vibration Free Operation”.

SubSea Steerable Propulsion Modules providing port/starboard and descend/ascend 30°-0°-30° elevation & steering control...